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Shrek II- Hilarious!

Anthony and Ernest love their toons. Since we introduced them to the big screen with "Finding Nemo", they love the full movie package:
Dinner at the Sushi Bar, Movie tickets, big popcorn (the VERY big one) and "Gassy drinks" (soda pops are not citizens of our fridge, so they are special). This weekend we went seeing Shrek II. I'm usually a bit sceptical about sequels, but this one was hilarious. I'm well trained in Grimm's fairy tales, so I had a good laugh on all the tales jokes and I got some of the Hollywood jokes too.
What amazed me, is the thin line they were able to walk. The movie is innocent enough to be good family fun and juicy enough to send your phantasy spinning (if you understand the clues).
Best preparation: get into the mood by watching the DVD first. I'm waiting for the Shrek midnight double feature coming up.

Posted by on 23 May 2004 | Comments (0) | categories: After hours


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