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Good by W2K server!

Domino R8 runs on a lot of platforms, 32 and 64Bit alike. Windows 2000 server is not on the list. W2K server was a very popular choice for Domino boxes and a lot of system administrators were quite reluctant to upgrade to W2K3. Since mainstream support ended in 2005 IBM won't officially support a legacy platform for a new product release (It would be interesting to see if it would run). So all W2K based Domino boxes need a new home when upgrading. While W2K3 seems to be the "natural" choice, you will add the Active Directory dependency (and after all AD is "just" a fancy front-end for an Jet database - rather fragile).
Will we see a big uptick in Linux based Domino server deployments? At least the box running W2K could run Linux, giving it a new lease of life.
What are your plans?

Posted by on 27 June 2007 | Comments (1) | categories: IBM Notes Lotus Notes


  1. posted by Radu Cadariu on Tuesday 10 July 2007 AD:
    Hey Stephan, you wanna bet it will run on old W2K ? Why wouldn't it ?