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Dynamic Lookup for LWC - update

There's always room for some improvement. So I updated

Dynamic Lookup

Is this the account you are looking for?

The dynamic lookup works like a charm, including on the Salesforce mobile app. The only catch: with only the object name visible it was less useful than the standard lookup. There are too many objects with the same name.

The solution: I added a new parameter fields that allows to specify the fields you want to be displayed. To separate them, I choose Badges. IMHO there isn't much value in showing fieldNames and mess up the display.

The source code can be found in Experiment 5, enjoy! As usual YMMV!

Next stop: proper Jest test harness

Posted by on 06 April 2019 | Comments (2) | categories: Lightning Salesforce


  1. posted by Mohi on Tuesday 01 October 2019 AD:

    Hi Man
    Where is the code bro..For look up in LWC.

  2. posted by Stephan Wissel on Friday 11 October 2019 AD:

    Mohi, the code is in Experiment 5 on GitHub. As stated above.